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Starte während 10 Tagen wann und wie oft du willst.
Alle weiteren Infos findest du auf der Homepage des Veranstalters
Alle weiteren Infos findest du auf der Homepage des Veranstalters
Last name optional | Last name optional |
First name optional | First name optional |
Street & no. optional | Street & no. optional |
Country optional | Country optional |
Postcode optional | Postcode optional |
Location optional | Location optional |
E-mail optional | E-mail optional |
Mobile phone optional | Mobile phone optional |
Year of birth optional | Year of birth optional |
Gender optional | Gender optional |
Course/distance optional | Course/distance optional |
Category optional | Category optional |
Start number | |
Start number 2024 optional | Start number 2024 optional Instead of the 2025 race number, I will gladly receive a new race number without a personal name from 2024.This means we don't have to throw away the race numbers that were left over at that time. |
Individueller Text Startnummer optional | Individueller Text Startnummer optional You can enter your own text - ideally not more than 15 characters - which we will print on your race number (e.g. team name). |
Team competition | |
team challenge optional | team challenge optional Melde dich als Team an und nimm automatisch und gratis an den 2 Teamwettbewerben teil (5-8 Personen). Das Team muss bei der Anmeldung noch nicht komplett sein. |
Would you like to run more than once? You can book additional starts for 10. You can also book additional starts at any time after completing the initial registration via your personal change link. You will receive the change link with the payment confirmation by email (please do not delete the email). | |
2. Lauf optional | 2. Lauf optional |
3. Lauf optional | 3. Lauf optional |
4. Lauf optional | 4. Lauf optional |
5. Lauf optional | 5. Lauf optional |
6. Lauf optional | 6. Lauf optional |
7. Lauf optional | 7. Lauf optional |
8. Lauf optional | 8. Lauf optional |
9. Lauf optional | 9. Lauf optional |
10. Lauf optional | 10. Lauf optional |
11. Lauf optional | 11. Lauf optional |
I confirm following points: | |
bib on your front optional | bib on your front optional The start number must be worn on the front of the stomach/chest. This is the only way to guarantee correct timekeeping. |
Behavior in the forest optional | Behavior in the forest optional I confirm that I have taken note of the information sheet Behavior in the forest. |
Donation | |
donation optional | donation optional Voluntary donation for the junior section of SC Ersigen (football club and organizer of the "lobärg-run") |