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Last name optional | Last name optional |
First name optional | First name optional |
Street & no. optional | Street & no. optional |
Country optional | Country optional |
Postcode optional | Postcode optional |
Location optional | Location optional |
E-mail optional | E-mail optional |
Mobile phone optional | Mobile phone optional |
Year of birth optional | Year of birth optional |
Gender optional | Gender optional |
Club optional | Club optional |
Course/distance optional | Course/distance optional |
Category optional | Category optional |
Firmenwertung optional | Firmenwertung optional Alle Meldungen mit identischem Teamnamen werden in der Firmenwertung (Top3 Zeiten) werden gewertet. |
nationality optional | nationality optional |
Startblock-Einteilung optional | Startblock-Einteilung optional |
T-Shirt Grösse | |
T-shirt size optional | T-shirt size optional |
50% promotion for members of the Groupe Mutuel | |
Discount for members Groupe Mutuel optional | Discount for members Groupe Mutuel optional If you are a member of Groupe Mutuel, on by entering your BAG number you will receive a voucher code with which you will receive a 50% discount on the entry fee. |
Discount optional | Discount optional |
5 francs for the youth of Swiss Athletics | |
5 francs for the youth optional | 5 francs for the youth optional CHF 5.00With 5.- you make a big difference and support young running talents on their way to the top. Read more. |
2. Adult person | |
Nachname optional | Nachname optional |
Vorname optional | Vorname optional |
Jahrgang optional | Jahrgang optional |
T-Shirt optional | T-Shirt optional |
1. child | |
Nachname optional | Nachname optional |
Vorname optional | Vorname optional |
Jahrgang optional | Jahrgang optional |
2. child | |
Nachname optional | Nachname optional |
Vorname optional | Vorname optional |
Jahrgang optional | Jahrgang optional |
3rd child | |
Nachname optional | Nachname optional |
Vorname optional | Vorname optional |
Jahrgang optional | Jahrgang optional |
4. child | |
Nachname optional | Nachname optional |
Vorname optional | Vorname optional |
Jahrgang optional | Jahrgang optional |
5. child | |
Nachname optional | Nachname optional |
Vorname optional | Vorname optional |
Jahrgang optional | Jahrgang optional |
smrun membership | |
smrun Membership optional | smrun Membership optional |
Offers from our sponsor Groupe Mutuel | |
Groupe Mutuel optional | Groupe Mutuel optional I would like to benefit from a personal consultation with an insurance advisor.I agree that my contact details may be forwarded to the race sponsor, Groupe Mutuel, so that I can benefit from a personal meeting with an insurance adviser. |
optional | optional I would like to benefit from personalized offers from Groupe Mutuel.I agree that my contact details may be used to receive personalised offers from the race sponsor Groupe Mutuel. |